Example Curriculum
What are people saying?
This course is the culmination of my life's study and experience. It is the work that I do everyday, that I continue to expand in and grow with. Once enrolled, you'll have access to 14+ hours of lecture material, a pdf copy of the Personal Alchemy Workbook, and a myriad of resources, playlists, and films curated to make this the most seamless self-paced journey possible. Still unsure? See what others, who have taken this journey with me, have said:
Who am I?
Elianne is a writer, reader, speaker, and doctor of philosophy. Her work is informed by her personal experiences as the child of immigrants in Canada, the lessons she has been taught by spiritual mentors along the way, and her formal education. Her MA study involved tracing variations of symbolic tradition in Jungian dream analysis, alchemical literature, and occult poetry. Her PhD explores narratives of resistance and political identity expression in Palestinian hip-hop.
Be it in her studies of the unconscious realm and imagination, or of the conscious world and its struggles, she is most interested in what they reveal about identity, difference, and becoming.
In her free time, she is either reading, listening to music, or watching a sitcom.